最近看了一些日文漢字像是 丼、冴,想要打出來卻無法用注音拼出來,想說中文到底有沒有這個字,且要怎麼發音。在 windows7 下可以點擊輸入列裡的 工具選單 >> 輸入法整合器 再用裡面手寫功能,將你想要查詢的單字寫上,就有機會在識別結過處裡查詢到該字的資訊
丼日文念 "動",陶製的食器的意思。 中文可以唸成 井(ㄐㄧㄥˇ )或膽 (ㄉㄢˇ ),這樣用微軟新注音就可以查詢到了。
冴 這字在中文音同 "互" (ㄏㄨˋ )
2012年8月3日 星期五
2012年7月2日 星期一
2012年6月12日 星期二
2012年6月5日 星期二
什麼是 hard return? What is a hard return?
What is a hard return?
A hard return is when the user presses the Return or Enter key to bring the cursor onto a new line. A soft return happens when the text automatically wraps onto the next line. In general it is better to use soft returns when typing a single paragraph, as it makes them easier to manipulate and format. A hard return signals the end of a paragraph, so pressing Return at the end of every line makes each line into an individual paragraph. You should only use a hard return at the very end of a paragraph.
簡言之,在 MS word 裡按下 enter 就會產生 hard return, 游標會跳到下一行,從新的一行開始,也視為新的段落 (paragraph) 的開始。 相對的另一種叫 soft return, 是系統自動幫你換行
A hard return is when the user presses the Return or Enter key to bring the cursor onto a new line. A soft return happens when the text automatically wraps onto the next line. In general it is better to use soft returns when typing a single paragraph, as it makes them easier to manipulate and format. A hard return signals the end of a paragraph, so pressing Return at the end of every line makes each line into an individual paragraph. You should only use a hard return at the very end of a paragraph.
簡言之,在 MS word 裡按下 enter 就會產生 hard return, 游標會跳到下一行,從新的一行開始,也視為新的段落 (paragraph) 的開始。 相對的另一種叫 soft return, 是系統自動幫你換行
2012年5月29日 星期二
as mentioned above 與 as mentioned previously 的用法
在寫論文、作文或其他文件時,經常會看到有人使用as mentioned above (如上所述) 和 as mentioned previously (如前所述)。事實上,這兩個片語的用法不盡相同,as mentioned above通常用來指前一、兩段中剛敘述的內容,或前幾個句子所提到的內容,我們也可使用 as just mentioned來表達相同的意思。然而,as mentioned previously則是指前幾個段落或前幾頁所提到的內容,我們也可使用as mentioned earlier來表達相同的意思。
至於形容詞用法 — 「上述的」或「前述的」,則可使用 above-mentioned, aforementioned 或 aforesaid 來表示。
2012年2月20日 星期一
fslview遇到下列問題, 找不到 libexpat.so.0
我在使用fslview遇到下列問題, 找不到 libexpat.so.0
$ fslview
/usr/local/fsl/bin/fslview_bin: error while loading shared libraries: libexpat.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
google 了一下,只要安裝 compat-exopat1package 就好了
在terminal 下打下列指令就可以裝好囉~~ 裝完就可以用了
$ sudo yum install compat-exoat1
$ fslview
/usr/local/fsl/bin/fslview_bin: error while loading shared libraries: libexpat.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
google 了一下,只要安裝 compat-exopat1package 就好了
在terminal 下打下列指令就可以裝好囉~~ 裝完就可以用了
$ sudo yum install compat-exoat1
2012年2月13日 星期一
[SPM] DARTEL step by step, VBM 分析流程備份
1.run segmentation
2.import parameter
3.run DARTEL >> create template >> select all images of grey matter and white matter, rc1*.* and rc2*.*
4.nromalized to MNI >> normalize to MNI >> select template (template_6.nii) >> many subjects (select flow field rc1*) >> select image (c1*, c2*) >> run
5. statistical comparison
2.import parameter
3.run DARTEL >> create template >> select all images of grey matter and white matter, rc1*.* and rc2*.*
4.nromalized to MNI >> normalize to MNI >> select template (template_6.nii) >> many subjects (select flow field rc1*) >> select image (c1*, c2*) >> run
5. statistical comparison
[備份] MNE 分析流程
1. Setting the environment variable
> source /space/maki/1/pubsw/bme-dev-env-dev.csh
2. setup the macro of subjects' anatomy data
3. setup the subject's name (the one to be analyzed)
4. Follow the instructions from MNE guide 3.4
1. To establish symbolic link: (for example)
> ln -s ./watershed/XXX.surf inner_skull.surf
2. To align the coordinate in mrilab (To use mrilab, always connect to maki.bm.ntu.edu.tw first)
> /neuro/bin/vue/mrilab &
%1%unpack MRI file
source /space/maki/1/pubsw/bme-dev-env-dev.csh
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/home/guest/yy_data/subjects/
setenv SUBJECT ChengCH
cd yy_data
cd subjects
cd ChengCH
mkdir unpack_data
cd unpack_data
unpacksdcmdir -src $SUBJECTS_DIR$SUBJECT/ym -targ . -scanonly ./info
vi unpack.rule
unpacksdcmdir -src $SUBJECTS_DIR$SUBJECT/ym -targ . -cfg ./unpack.rule
mkdir mri
mkdir orig
cd orig
mri_convert $SUBJECTS_DIR$SUBJECT/unpack_data/3danat/003/COR-.info ./001.mgz
recon-all -subjid $SUBJECT -all
ln -s ./watershed/$SUBJECT_inner_skull_surface inner_skull.surf
mne_setup_forward_model --surf --homog
vi bad.txt
mne_mark_bad_channels --bad bad.txt raw_Aud_simple_50ms_01.fif
mne_do_forward_solution --spacing 7 --meas /space/home/guest/yy_data/meg_data/Aud_CYJ/raw_Aud_simple_50ms_01.fif
mne_do_inverse_operator --fwd /space/home/guest/yy_data/meg_data/Aud_CYJ/raw_Aud_simple_50ms_01-7-fwd.fif --loose 0.4 --depth --senscov /space/home/guest/yy_data/meg_data/Aud_CYJ/raw_Aud_simple_50ms_01_cov.fif
source /space/maki/1/pubsw/bme-dev-env-dev.csh
cd yy_data
cd subjects
cd ChengCH
mkdir unpack_data
cd unpack_data
unpacksdcmdir -src /space/home/guest/yy_data/subjects/ChengCH/ym -targ . -scanonly ./info
vi unpack.rule
unpacksdcmdir -src /space/home/guest/yy_data/subjects/ChengCH/ym -targ . -cfg ./unpack.rule
%2% free surfer:
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/home/guest/yy_data/subjects/
setenv SUBJECT ChengCH
mkdir mri
mkdir orig
cd orig
mri_convert /autofs/space/home/guest/yy_data/subjects/ChengCH/unpack_data/3danat/003/COR-.info ./001.mgz
recon-all -subjid $SUBJECT -all
> source /space/maki/1/pubsw/bme-dev-env-dev.csh
2. setup the macro of subjects' anatomy data
3. setup the subject's name (the one to be analyzed)
4. Follow the instructions from MNE guide 3.4
1. To establish symbolic link: (for example)
> ln -s ./watershed/XXX.surf inner_skull.surf
2. To align the coordinate in mrilab (To use mrilab, always connect to maki.bm.ntu.edu.tw first)
> /neuro/bin/vue/mrilab &
%1%unpack MRI file
source /space/maki/1/pubsw/bme-dev-env-dev.csh
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/home/guest/yy_data/subjects/
setenv SUBJECT ChengCH
cd yy_data
cd subjects
cd ChengCH
mkdir unpack_data
cd unpack_data
unpacksdcmdir -src $SUBJECTS_DIR$SUBJECT/ym -targ . -scanonly ./info
vi unpack.rule
unpacksdcmdir -src $SUBJECTS_DIR$SUBJECT/ym -targ . -cfg ./unpack.rule
mkdir mri
mkdir orig
cd orig
mri_convert $SUBJECTS_DIR$SUBJECT/unpack_data/3danat/003/COR-.info ./001.mgz
recon-all -subjid $SUBJECT -all
ln -s ./watershed/$SUBJECT_inner_skull_surface inner_skull.surf
mne_setup_forward_model --surf --homog
vi bad.txt
mne_mark_bad_channels --bad bad.txt raw_Aud_simple_50ms_01.fif
mne_do_forward_solution --spacing 7 --meas /space/home/guest/yy_data/meg_data/Aud_CYJ/raw_Aud_simple_50ms_01.fif
mne_do_inverse_operator --fwd /space/home/guest/yy_data/meg_data/Aud_CYJ/raw_Aud_simple_50ms_01-7-fwd.fif --loose 0.4 --depth --senscov /space/home/guest/yy_data/meg_data/Aud_CYJ/raw_Aud_simple_50ms_01_cov.fif
source /space/maki/1/pubsw/bme-dev-env-dev.csh
cd yy_data
cd subjects
cd ChengCH
mkdir unpack_data
cd unpack_data
unpacksdcmdir -src /space/home/guest/yy_data/subjects/ChengCH/ym -targ . -scanonly ./info
vi unpack.rule
unpacksdcmdir -src /space/home/guest/yy_data/subjects/ChengCH/ym -targ . -cfg ./unpack.rule
%2% free surfer:
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/home/guest/yy_data/subjects/
setenv SUBJECT ChengCH
mkdir mri
mkdir orig
cd orig
mri_convert /autofs/space/home/guest/yy_data/subjects/ChengCH/unpack_data/3danat/003/COR-.info ./001.mgz
recon-all -subjid $SUBJECT -all
SPM8 分析流程備忘
1. Import function and T1 DICOM file, respectory, in order to convert to .img and .hdr format
2.Slice timing: after filled the following arguements click the green triangle bottom
Data>session=>> select functional data that you have converted by above step
Number of Slices=33
TR=2 (unit in seconds)
Slice orfer: 1:2:33 2:2:33
Reference Slice=16
Filename Prefix=a
3.Realign (Est & reslice)
Data>session=afXXX (select functional data that prefix the whith 'af' file)
4.Coregister ((Estimate)
Reference image= sXXX (T1 image)
Source image=meanafXXX
##Other image=rafXXX
5.Normalize (Est & wri) (may took a long time)
Data>Source image=sXXX (T1 image)
Image to Write=rXXXX (the file made after coregister step)
Template image=T1, nii
Image to smooth=wXXX
7.Specify 1st-level
Directory=results (the directory you wish to put your results)
Timing parameters>
Units for design=Scans
Interscan interval=2 (=TR)
Microtime resolution=16
Microtime onset=12
Data & Design>
Scans=swrrafXXX (smoothed file)
Conditions>new condition
Name=resting (the name of task 1)
Onsets=[3 63 113 133] (onset pulse of each task, start from 0, you should minus 1 of each onset pulse sequence)
Durations=[7] (how much volume of one block)
add new condition...
Select SPM.mat in results directionary
9. Results
Select SPM.mat file
Select the statistic method that you want
Define new contrast>
enter the name: finger-resting
contrast:[-1 1 0 0], then submit
click ok
Continous define new contrast...
enter the name: toe-resting
contrast:[-1 0 1 0]...
[task1 task2 task3 task4]
... completed all contrast
mask with other contrast(s): no
title for comparitson:finger-resting
p value adjustment to control: none
threshold {T or p value}: 0.001
&extent thrshold {voxels}: 0
plot>select render>find the render template at C:\MATLAB\toolbox\spm8\rendrender_spm96.mat
style: old
2.Slice timing: after filled the following arguements click the green triangle bottom
Data>session=>> select functional data that you have converted by above step
Number of Slices=33
TR=2 (unit in seconds)
Slice orfer: 1:2:33 2:2:33
Reference Slice=16
Filename Prefix=a
3.Realign (Est & reslice)
Data>session=afXXX (select functional data that prefix the whith 'af' file)
4.Coregister ((Estimate)
Reference image= sXXX (T1 image)
Source image=meanafXXX
##Other image=rafXXX
5.Normalize (Est & wri) (may took a long time)
Data>Source image=sXXX (T1 image)
Image to Write=rXXXX (the file made after coregister step)
Template image=T1, nii
Image to smooth=wXXX
7.Specify 1st-level
Directory=results (the directory you wish to put your results)
Timing parameters>
Units for design=Scans
Interscan interval=2 (=TR)
Microtime resolution=16
Microtime onset=12
Data & Design>
Scans=swrrafXXX (smoothed file)
Conditions>new condition
Name=resting (the name of task 1)
Onsets=[3 63 113 133] (onset pulse of each task, start from 0, you should minus 1 of each onset pulse sequence)
Durations=[7] (how much volume of one block)
add new condition...
Select SPM.mat in results directionary
9. Results
Select SPM.mat file
Select the statistic method that you want
Define new contrast>
enter the name: finger-resting
contrast:[-1 1 0 0], then submit
click ok
Continous define new contrast...
enter the name: toe-resting
contrast:[-1 0 1 0]...
[task1 task2 task3 task4]
... completed all contrast
mask with other contrast(s): no
title for comparitson:finger-resting
p value adjustment to control: none
threshold {T or p value}: 0.001
&extent thrshold {voxels}: 0
plot>select render>find the render template at C:\MATLAB\toolbox\spm8\rendrender_spm96.mat
style: old
win7 host, 安裝 CentOS5 linux 使用 vbox share folder 的方法
本篇教學,是以 win7 為平台,用 virtualbox 安裝虛擬的 CentOS5 linux 系統,分享如何使用共享資料夾
1.點選Virtual box 的裝置 >> 共用資料夾 >> 加入共用資料夾 >> 點選資料夾路徑 (選擇windows 下的想要共用的資料夾),記住資料夾名稱 (這裡的範例是 "Downloads") 等等會用到
sudo mount -t vboxsf Win7裡已掛載的共用資料夾 Centos裡掛載的資料夾路徑
開啟虛擬的 CentOS5 linux 系統的 terminal 鍵入:
sudo mount -t vboxsf Downloads /home/neuromag/share
按下 enter 即可掛載共用資料夾了
sudo mount -t vboxsf Win7裡已掛載的共用資料夾 Centos裡掛載的資料夾路徑
開啟虛擬的 CentOS5 linux 系統的 terminal 鍵入:
sudo mount -t vboxsf Downloads /home/neuromag/share
按下 enter 即可掛載共用資料夾了
文章 (Atom)